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Approved by the CSUC as a provider of advisory services and implementation of RGPD-LOPDGDD

Last Tuesday, November 9, the Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC) approved ATGROUP as one of its official providers in advisory services and implementation of RGPD and LOPDGDD.

The CSUC is a public law entity that brings together most of the Catalan universities, both public and private, to carry out joint actions. The objective of the approval process is to guarantee that the services of the main suppliers have a set of consulting, auditing and support services of both a technical and legal nature, necessary to achieve, and maintain during the term of the contract, the adequacy, compliance with the regulations associated with the National Security Scheme (ENS), ISO 27001 and the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), and the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights.

Here are the three services for which we have been approved:

LOT 2. Data Protection Services:
This batch includes those services in the field of data protection that aim to provide a specific service and that aim to carry out a specific task and deliver a report resulting from its execution. The services contemplated in this lot require the participation of a team by the provider in which legal, technical or managerial skills may be required.

LOT 3: Professional services in data protection:
This lot includes those services in the field of data protection that aim to collaborate with the data protection teams of the universities for the development of a specific activity and mainly by a highly qualified person from the awarded company where the competences Personnel of the assigned person are the relevant element in the execution of the same.

LOT 4: Technical office to support the DPO:
This lot contemplates those services in the field of data protection that have as their objective the provision of a technical office service to support the Data Protection Delegate of each center.

November 23rd, 2021