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Take care of your health data, they are the most demanded by cybercriminals.

It is stated that health data is the most desirable for a cyber attack, due to the value that can be obtained from it.

According to Iván Mateos, a sales engineer at Sophos (a company specialized in next-generation cybersecurity), the relationship between cybersecurity and the pandemic is greater than we think.

A cybercriminal who steals data from us or from a company or organization can destroy it, or steal and use it. From impersonating us, to selling them for money or even kidnapping them and asking for a ransom for them.

The main problem is that we are not aware of what it may mean that personal data is stolen, and that is that a crime is committed by impersonating another person.

For all this, Mateos gives us safety advice. The most basic solution is "to distrust any mail from which we do not know its origin, the links that ask us for our data ..." In addition, it is essential to use secure passwords and change them in regular periods of time. Iván Mateos recommends using long passwords, which include lowercase, uppercase and different characters.

As obvious as the matter may seem, a large number of people do not follow this advice and, now that the pandemic has increased teleworking and therefore computing, it is essential to be aware of and value our personal data, rights and obligations as Internet users.

February 1st, 2021